Monday, July 13, 2015

Dental Implants – Like Real Teeth!

 Dental Implants – Like Real Teeth!

                         A generation ago, most adults assumed they would lose their teeth in old age and end up in dentures. Today, we know it is possible to keep your natural teeth all of your life. Having natural teeth with natural tooth roots has been shown to be a benefit to your overall health, your lifespan and your ability to feel confident in social settings.
I often place dental implants in patients who have been long-time denture wearers. Most want to be able to chew securely and enjoy foods they have had to deny themselves because of unstable dentures.
                          When a denture moves while eating or slips when laughing, this indicates the ridge your denture was contoured for is flattening. Without natural tooth roots, the bone begins to shrink, or resorb. Unfortunately, the gradual decline in this foundation for your denture will continue. Thus, a denture will never fit well for very long, even after relines.
Because dental implants restore the presence of tooth roots, bone resorption is halted. Dental implants are anchored into the jaw bone, just as natural tooth roots. With this foundation, implants can securely support teeth so you can bite and chew the foods you love. You’ll also smile confidently again and laugh without worry.
Your replacement teeth should act like ‘real’ teeth! If your dentures are causing you to avoid certain foods or decline invitations, look into the options in today’s implant dentistry. There are many types, designed to accommodate various needs and budgets.

 If there are questions and concerns call us at 0925-567-5329 • 0908-865-5662 • 0917-566-1932 • 458-0717 and schedule a consultation today.

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