Monday, November 23, 2015

Common Digestive Problems in Women

Common Digestive Problems in Women

 Do you have bloating? Heartburn? Gas? Stomach pain? Everyone has these digestive problems occasionally, some more frequently than others especially if you’re a woman. These common gastrointestinal conditions and others affect both men and women, but some are more common among just women.


Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common chronic disorder that affects the large intestine (colon). Even though this condition affects the large intestine, it does not damage either intestine. Instead, it affects the way the digestive tract functions. IBS, as it’s commonly called, causes a group of symptoms including, cramping, stomach pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea and constipation. Menstrual cycles also play a role in IBS for women as symptoms often become worse just before or at the start of a woman’s period.
There are different types of IBS. Patients with IBS are diagnosed with only one but all three commonly cause stomach pain and discomfort but differ with bowel movements.
  • IBS with constipation (IBS-C) causes abnormally delayed or infrequent bowel movements, which are often hard stools when passed.
  • IBS with diarrhea (IBS-D) is the exact opposite of IBS-C. This type of IBS causes urgent need of bowel movements that are abnormally frequent at times. The stool is often loose and watery.
  • IBS with alternating constipation and diarrhea is a combination of both IBS-C and IBS-D. Those with this type of IBS often experience an equal mix of constipation and diarrhea.
  • IBS dyspepsia affects the upper GI tract.

IBS is often labeled a “complex” disorder because the cause is unknown and the symptoms are unpredictable. Symptoms may be constant or go away for a few months and then suddenly reappear worse than before. Symptoms also appear in some IBS patients after eating certain foods or because of stress. IBS symptoms can often be controlled by making lifestyle changes including, nutrition changes, taking medications (over-the-counter or prescription) and talking to your doctor about your symptoms.
Seeing a doctor is important if you think you have IBS as it can mimic other gastrointestinal conditions that can be more significant – such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis or colon cancer.
At Britannia Medical Center - The Enclave We recommend to anyone who suspects they have IBS or has a family history of IBS, be examined.

Living with IBS

Living with any digestive disorder, especially IBS is not easy and often changes the way you live your life. Learning to control your symptoms can help you live a more normal life. Try these steps to manage your IBS.
  • Find a supportive, experienced doctor. You need a doctor who has experience treating IBS so you are properly diagnosed and have well managed digestive care.
  • Know your triggers. Certain foods and drinks such as dairy products, chocolate, caffeinated beverages, alcohol and spicy foods can make symptoms worse.
  • Plan ahead. Don’t eat a big meal or foods you know will trigger the IBS before leaving the house especially if you suffer from IBS-D. It’s also a good idea to locate the closest restrooms.
  • Stay relaxed. Try to reduce stress through regular exercise or relaxation techniques such as yoga or meditation. 


Gallstones are another common digestive problem that women develop more often than men. They are crystal-like pieces, made of hardened cholesterol, that form in the gallbladder. This process occurs if bile (made by the liver) contains too much cholesterol or if the gallbladder doesn’t empty completely or often enough. Ranging in size, from very small to as large of a golf ball, gallstones can cause multiple symptoms including right upper abdominal pain after eating (sometimes severe), nausea or vomiting, fever, yellowish skin or eyes and clay-colored stool. Some people develop gallstones and never know it because they are asymptomatic.

Similar to IBS, there is no exact known cause for gallstones and occur more often in women than men due to slower emptying of the gallbladder, just as with IBS and the slower stomach emptying and because of estrogen. Estrogen is a female hormone that raises cholesterol levels in the bile and slows gallbladder movement. This effect is even greater in pregnant women because estrogen levels are even higher and explains why women commonly develop gallstones during pregnancy or post-pregnancy. Women who take birth control pills or menopausal hormone therapies, are also more likely to develop gallstones because of the added estrogen.

So what can be done to reduce your risk of developing gallstones? Whether you’re a man or women, I recommend the following:
  • Control your weight.
  • Don’t skip meals.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Exercise regularly.

For more information on digestive disorders, including IBS, gastritis, and many more, make an appointment by calling 0925-567-5329 • 0908-865-5662 • 0917-566-1932 • 458-0717 and schedule a consultation today.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Reasons Why You Need Shampoo For Hair Growth

Well, there are many factors that play a role in just how healthy or thick our hair is. If you had beautiful healthy hair when you were younger and you don’t anymore, then it’s probably due to a number of factors.
The most common reasons our hair suffers are:
  • Age – don’t fight it, it will happen
  • Continuous use of damaging hair products with chemicals such as hair dye
  • Constant styling with hot hairdryers and curlers and flat irons
  • Pregnancy causing our hair to fall out
  • Stress which leads to hair loss
  • An unbalanced diet
If you have always had thin hair, then these factors will also be detrimental to your hair’s health.

Most people who suffer from thinning and lack-luster hair usually have a very tough time growing this hair long.
The reason is that as the hair grows, devoid of the nutrients it needs to remain strong, they will find that the ends are splitting, hair breaks off during styling and brushing, and they even suffer hair fall while washing or brushing their hair.
As long as the hair is not literally “hanging on” to the oils and nutrients that it so desperately needs, it will continue to thin.

How Does Shampoo For Hair Growth Work?


A shampoo that makes your hair grow shouldn’t promise you Rapunzel locks in record time.
That would be misleading.
What these specialized shampoos do is actually very simple and scientific at the same time.
Shampoos that make your hair grow are filled with many vitamins and minerals that are usually missing from thinning hair for reasons listed above or simply because the nature around you is harsh.
These vitamins and minerals are desperately needed to give the hair the support it needs to nourish itself while it grows.If your hair is receiving the nourishment it needs, it will stop breaking off and split ends will not be appearing as often.

TRY one of Britannia Hair Series - HAIR GROWER


What happens then?
Your hair will begin to grow longer because it has the ability to grow healthy without splitting off at the ends.
No split ends means less breakage in the length of your hair.
Less breakage means longer hair!
It’s not rocket science. On the contrary, its pure and simple common logic.
Just like any living organism needs a certain amount of nourishment to grow and survive, so does your hair.
You may ask yourself why the commercial shampoos in any shop wouldn’t work just the same way?
Britannia Hair Grower are specially formulated without the harmful chemicals and with an added boost of nutrients, meaning they eliminate the bad and give you so much more of the good.
If you find yourself suffering from these common hair problems that have to do with length and thickness, don’t wait around too long or the problem will become irreversible.
Go out there Buy Britannia Hair Series - HAIR GROWER we guarantee you will start seeing results within just a few weeks of using it!

  For more information call us at 0925-567-5329 • 0908-865-5662 • 0917-566-1932 • 458-0717 and schedule a consultation today.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

What is a PAP Smear?

What is a PAP Smear?

A Pap smear, also called a Pap test, is a procedure to test for cervical cancer in women. A Pap smear involves collecting cells from your cervix — the lower, narrow end of your uterus that’s at the top of your vagina.

Why Do We Need a Pap Smear? 
A Pap test is done to look for changes in the cells of the cervix. Finding these changes and treating them when needed will greatly lower your chance of getting cervical cancer. 
The Pap smear test was developed by and named after Dr. George Papanicolaou for the purpose of early identification of cervical cancer. Soon after its introduction, the Pap smear proved effective at detecting precancerous lesions, which represent early — and still very treatable — indicators of cervical cancer risk.
How Often Should You Get a Pap Smear? 
This all depends on your age (and reproductive history), but generally women aged:
21-29 – every 3 yrs
30-64 – every 5 yrs if PAPs are normal
65+ – no more paps!
Preparing for a PAP Smear
If you have had problems with pelvic exams in the past or have experienced rape or sexual abuse, talk to your doctor about your concerns or fears before the exam.
No other special preparations are needed before having a Pap test. For your own comfort, you may want to empty your bladder before the exam.
Tell your doctor whether you have had an abnormal pap test in the past.
What to Expect at a PAP Smear 
You will feel more comfortable during your Pap test if you are relaxed. Breathing deeply may help. Holding your breath or tensing your muscles will increase your discomfort. You may feel some discomfort when the speculum is inserted, especially if your vagina is irritated, tender, or narrow. You may also feel pulling or pressure when the sample of cervical cells is being collected.
The Pap smear is an easy and reliable test to perform and the procedure takes only minutes to perform. So if this is your first Pap smear and pelvic exam, relax, here is the procedure, step by step.
First, you will be asked to disrobe from the waist down and put on a hospital gown or sheet over your body. Then, when instructed, you place your feet in the stirrup-style foot rests and lie back on the table (like the women in labor depicted on TV or movies). The doctor will ask you to separate your thighs and stay calm so the muscles are relaxed. The more relaxed and dropped apart your legs remain, the more comfortable you will be and the quicker the procedure will go. (If you wiggle your toes it is a great way to reduce tension in the legs, groin, or buttocks.)
With a gloved hand the examiner will touch the exterior of the vulva to separate the labia (vagina lips) and take a look to make sure it’s all normal. To widen the opening of your vagina a speculum, which is similar to a tampon applicator with a handle, is then gently inserted into vagina. There are different sizes and styles of speculums used for different women. The speculum allows the clinician to view the vaginal walls and the cervix. The cervix is located high up in the vagina. It resembles a mini bagel projecting into the vagina.
When the speculum is in place, the clinician will collect a sample of tissue from the exterior of the cervix (ectocervix) with a tool described as a spatula, then another from the cervical canal to the womb (endocervix) with a brush like instrument called a cytobrush. This process may cause some discomfort in women, especially if you are close to your period or are experiencing a vaginal infection.
The speculum is then removed; at this point the doctor usually performs a quick bimanual examination, where she or he feels the uterus and ovaries as is possible with their skillful hands — placing two fingers of one hand within the vagina and the other hand on the lower belly. Then your doctor will press gently to feel what cannot be seen. 

  For more information call us at 0925-567-5329 • 0908-865-5662 • 0917-566-1932 • 458-0717 and schedule a consultation today.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Do you suffer from TMJ?

Do you suffer from TMJ?

Britannia Medical Center - The Enclave have years of experience treating the symptoms that arise from the TMJ. If you're experiencing TMJ pain, we encourage you to contact us!

Millions of Americans suffer from pain in the neck, head, and face. Many of these cases can be grouped into the broad category of TMD- temporomandibular disorder. You may be more familiar with the term TMJ.

TMJ is the abbreviation for temporomandibular joint. This is more commonly called the “jaw joint.” It is the joint that connects the jawbone with the skull. Many people erroneously say they have "TMJ" to indicate they have a problem with their joint. The truth is - everyone has a TMJ.

TMD, on the other hand, is the term we use to categorize pathological dysfunction of the jaw joint and muscles of the face and jaw. Pain in these joints or pain caused by these joints can be a severe hindrance to a comfortable lifestyle. The following are some examples of TMD related symptoms;

Problems associated with the TMD

  • Pain in the area of the jaw
  • Pain, ringing, or stuffiness in the ears
  • Headaches- particularly those arising in the temples
  • Popping or clicking during movement of the jaw
  • Facial swelling
  • Muscle spasm in the jaw area
  • Changes in the alignment of the bite
  • Inability to fully open jaw
  • Locking of the jaw- either open or closed
 Which means that TMJ disorder is one of those equal-opportunity conditions affecting people of all ages. True, the symptoms may come and go and even seem harmless. But why live with chronic pain if you don't have to? A TMJ dentist can help you put an end to the grind. Read these articles to get informed about TMJ, treatments and more.

  For more information call us at 0925-567-5329 • 0908-865-5662 • 0917-566-1932 • 458-0717 and schedule a consultation today.