Thursday, April 9, 2015

10 Reasons for Teeth Discoloration

10 Reasons for Teeth Discoloration/Yellowing Teeth

Yellow teeth is an oral problem that many experience and can be caused by a number of things like the intake of particular food and drinks and smoking. 

However, this oral problem can go beyond aesthetics. More than staining teeth with different substances, yellow teeth can actually indicate poor oral health.

Many think that yellow teeth can be solved by getting teeth-whitening treatments or procedures. But still, prevention is key. Knowing the possible causes of yellow teeth can help you avoid it and give you a better understanding of the state of your oral health. Here are some causes and some tips on how you can avoid having yellow teeth in the future.

Why teeth turn yellow?
When it’s at its thickest, tooth enamel is naturally white. Unfortunately as it is worn down it becomes translucent and starts to show through to the next layer of the tooth underneath called dentin.
This dentin layer of your teeth has a naturally yellower tone to it than that of the enamel that covers it, so the thinner your enamel layer becomes the more yellow your teeth will appear. This is why many elderly people have relatively yellow teeth. The longer you’ve had your teeth, the more chance you have to wear down their white protective coatings.
Knowing possible causes of yellow teeth can help you avoid it and give you a better understanding of oral health.

Were you ever conscious of having yellow teeth? Did you ever even notice your teeth are discolored?
When you look at yourself in the mirror and give your teeth some TLC, give it a check for a few more minutes. Do you spot any stains? Are there any signs of discoloration? What do you think causes it?

There are two related reasons why your teeth slowly turn from white to yellow. The first well known one is foods and drinks that stain them directly and the 8 worst offenders for doing this will be covered ahead.

The second less commonly known reason is acids in certain foods and particularly drinks that wear away your teeth’s white enamel coating. Soda for instance is highly acidic and regularly leaving it sitting on your teeth can start to wear down their protective outer layer.

So if you’re one of those who’s reminded of the ‘not-so-white’ teeth every time someone makes you laugh, it’s time you gave it a little more thought and figured out what’s causing the yellowing in the first place!

Genetic disposition
If most of your family members have yellow teeth, it’s highly likely it is genetic. But what you should know is that it isn’t the color which is genetically transmitted but the thickness of the outermost layer of the teeth. The thinner the enamel layer is, the more visible the yellow dentin layer will be.

Aging is a natural process and so is yellowing of teeth with age. With advancing age, the outer layer of enamel wears away and becomes thinner. This causes the dentin’s yellow color to show through and give your teeth a yellowish appearance.

Certain medicines

If you were given antibiotics tetracycline or doxycycline before the age of eight, chances are that your permanent teeth have striated or banded stains on them. And also, these antibiotics when given to a pregnant woman will cause yellow staining of her child’s teeth. This happens because the teeth are still developing before the age of eight and these antibiotics become incorporated into the mineral structure of the enamel causing the stains.
Other medicines which cause teeth discoloration are chlorhexidine (found in mouth rinses), antihistamines, anti-hypertensives and antipsychotic drugs.

Excess Fluoride

Excessive fluoride intake can occur due to high fluoride levels in water, a child swallowing excessive fluoride toothpaste or fluoride supplements taken by mouth. This can cause yellowish stains on the teeth.

Foods and drinks

Various foods and drinks are known to cause teeth discoloration. Foods like blueberries, cherries and drinks like coffee, tea, colas and wines are the obvious ones. Did you know that even apples and potatoes, the not so obvious ones, can cause teeth yellowing? The coloring molecules in these foods and drinks adhere to the enamel or penetrate the tubules of enamel to cause discoloration.


We all know that tobacco is hazardous to health. Well, it can be distressing to your smile too. Smoking or chewing tobacco can leave extrinsic stains on the enamel of the teeth. Tobacco contains many hard-to-remove staining elements that cause a gradual yellowing of teeth and mar the appearance of your teeth.

Poor oral hygiene

Good oral hygiene is essential for your oral health and to maintain the color of your teeth. Inadequate brushing and flossing allow stains from coffee, tobacco, etc. to develop and calculus (tartar) to build up on teeth. This will make your teeth appear yellow.

Tooth fillings

Dental restorative materials like amalgam (silver fillings) can leach out over time and get deposited in the enamel and cast a dark color to teeth.

Certain diseases

Certain diseases and infections in pregnant mothers can affect the development of enamel and the underlying dentin causing tooth discoloration later in the child. Sometimes, treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation to the head and neck for cancers can also change the color of teeth to a yellow shade.


Trauma and discoloration – wondering what the connection is? When your tooth is injured due to trauma from sudden fall or accidents there may be bleeding in the innermost layer of the tooth (pulp chamber). Blood clot and remnants of decomposed pulp tissue may also get into the tubules of the dentin thereby staining the dentin and causing tooth discoloration. In young children, the teeth are still developing. Trauma in such children can also disturb enamel formation and cause discoloration of their permanent teeth.


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